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Was your paralysis caused by the surgeon’s negligence?

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2022 | Medical Malpractice

It is a patient’s worst nightmare: waking up from a surgical procedure to learn that something is not right. Whether minor or major, paralysis is one of the most dreaded outcomes of a surgical procedure.

If a medical procedure leaves you paralyzed, one of the questions you will want to ask is whether your surgeon did something wrong. If the surgeon’s negligence had something to do with your paralysis, then you may pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit against them.

Types of paralysis

Paralysis can be partial or total with effects ranging from a single set of muscles to multiple limbs or the entire body.

Paralysis can affect the legs (paraplegia) or all four limbs (quadriplegia). It can also affect one side of the body (hemiplegia) or the entire body.

So how can a surgeon’s error lead to paralysis?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for paralysis yet. Meaning, if a surgical error leads to paralysis, you may live with your condition for the rest of your life. That said, here are surgical errors that can result in paralysis:

Incision errors

Precision is key to the success of any surgical procedure. If the surgeon is unskilled or reckless, they can make an improper incision. This can cause nerve and tissue damage resulting in paralysis.

Anesthetic errors

During the surgery, the anesthesiologist is responsible for monitoring the patient’s vital signs. If they sleep on the job, they may fail to detect when the patient is not getting enough oxygen to the body’s vital organs like the brain. As a result, the patient may suffer from hypoxia, resulting in paralysis.

Paralysis is one of the most tragic injuries you can sustain while undergoing surgery. If you or someone you love has been paralyzed following a surgical procedure, you may eligible for compensation through a medical malpractice lawsuit.